Acupressure Points to Relieve Migraine Headaches

Migraine Acupressure

Migraine headaches are a type of intense headaches that occur from time to time. Characterized by pulsating pain, it can either last for a few hours or extend up to days. Migraines may be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to light, sound, etc. Migraine headaches are caused by stress and hormonal changes, or they could also be caused by a reaction to certain foods. This kind of intense painful headache can be debilitating and affect a person’s day-to-day life. If you are experiencing extremely painful headaches accompanied by other symptoms like speech problems, a loss of balance, or visual problems, that could be a threat to your life. In that case, you can call the 112 emergency number and book an ambulance. For natural minor pain management, acupressure could be a solution. In this blog, we will look into how you can find relief from migraines. We will be discussing the causes and phases of migraines, acupressure, and how migraine acupressure points can provide relief.

What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is based on a traditional Chinese medical practice, acupuncture. Acupressure is used to relieve pain by using migraine acupressure points, which are specific points on your body. Acupressure is done with fingers, hands, elbows, or special devices.

The theory behind the medical technique is that our body contains vital energy, which the Chinese refer to as ‘qi’, that flows through different pathways in the body. Imbalances in this flow can cause diseases is what is believed. Migraine acupressure points are targeted to restore the balance and flow of ‘qi’, relieve pain and promote well-being.

What are the Most Effective Acupressure Points for Migraine Relief?

The following are the most effective migraine acupressure points that you can target for pain relief:

Wind Pool (GB-20 or Feng Chi)

This spot is located at the bottom of the skull on the hollow part, on both sides below the large neck muscle. The technique here is to apply pressure lightly on these migraine acupressure points in circular up-and-down motions for a few minutes for relief.

Joining Valley (LI-4 or He Gu)

These migraine acupressure points are located between the thumb and index finger, the small joining portion. The technique to relieve pain here is to press the points with the thumb and index finger of your other hand. Apply good pressure for some time and release.

Hall of Impression (MHN-3 or Yin Tang)

This pressure point for migraine relief is located in between the eyebrows in the middle, right above the nose. To practice this technique, use your index finger to gently press the pressure point for migraine relief.

Inner Pass (P-6 or Nei Guan)

These migraine acupressure points are located at the wrists, specifically 2 and a half inches above the crease of the wrists towards the inner side of the forearm. For this technique, press on using circular motions on the pressure point for migraine relief.

Foot Governor of Tears (GB-41 or Zu Lin Qi)

This pressure point for migraine relief is located in the depression between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones of the feet. For this technique, massage the area by applying gentle pressure for 2-3 minutes.

Bigger Rushing (LIV-3 or Great Rushing)

These migraine acupressure points are located between the big toe and second toe on both feet. To find relief, press on the points with your thumb and index finger for a few minutes.

Celestial Pillar (B-10 or Tianzhu)

These migraine relief pressure points are located at the base of your skull, on both sides of the spine. To practice technique on these points, gently press on with circular motions.

Causes and Phases of Migraine

Migraines can be genetically inherited. Other causes of migraines include changes in the brain activity that make it more sensitive to triggers like sounds, and light. Migraines may also be caused by hormonal changes, stress, lack of sleep, or a strong reaction to some kinds of foods.

The phases of a migraine are:

The Prodrome Phase

This initial phase occurs way before the actual migraine. This acts as a warning sign and causes fatigue, muscle stiffness, food cravings, increased thirst, mood changes, etc.

The Aura Phase

In this phase, individuals have visual, speech or sensory disturbances. These disturbances are temporary and begin way before a migraine headache. This phase can occur to some people and not necessarily everyone.

The Attack Phase

This is the main phase where an individual suffers from intense attacks, i.e, pulsating pain on one side of the head. It leads to nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to sounds and lights.

The Postdrome Phase

The post-headache phase, some people experience lingering headaches, fatigue, and mood changes after the intense attacks have ended. This is commonly referred to as the ‘migraine hangover’.

Precautions to Consider

Pressure should be applied on these migraine relief pressure points carefully and gently. Applying too much pressure can cause more harm than good. For minor pain relief, acupressure can be a good cure but if the headaches are persistent make sure you consult with a professional to get advice on the treatment. Acupressure can always be a natural addition to any treatment.

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