112 Emergency Number

“112" is the Single Emergency number, individuals in distress can call 24h/7 in each of the 36 states/UTs of India to get prompt help from the fire detachment, a clinical group or the police. You can call the number 112 with a fixed or cell phone. The Single crisis number is free all everywhere. One can call the emergency number 112 with your mobile phone from all states/UTs. Even when the mobile operator network is not available, you can call the emergency number 112 with your mobile phone.

The Govt of India took the choice to present the crisis number 112, so that individuals going in different States/UTs don't have to realize all nearby crisis numbers.

At the point when you call the crisis number 112, your call can be recorded or saved. To provide this service they need to partner with an expert who can manage fleet management with CAD applications and well managed Control Room. Ziqitza Healthcare has the expertise in all these fields over the last 2 decades to partner with state department to provide seamless and timely service to the person in need.

Features of the Services

24x7 Support Available on Call

To provide toll-free 24hr telecom service to women affected by violation seeking support and information

Free of Cost Service

Toll-free number available which provide 24 hours immediate and emergency response to women affected by any violence.

Information of Women Empowerment Schemes & Programmers

You can also get the information about the laws, existing schemes and government programs related to women empowerment and protection


How to avail services ?

Step 1

Write your requirements to us at contact@zhl.in

Step 2

Our Team will call and collect all required details.

Step 3

A customized proposal with estimate will be shared with you.

Step 4

We deploy our services for your people

Step 5

Continuous monitoring and reporting



Tele Medicine

Telehealth involves the use of electronic communications and software to provide clinical services to patients without an in-person visit.

Operation and Management of Call Center - BOT

We at Ziqitza, give you the office to see precisely what occurs, as it occurs. We give unfiltered data of what we do, allowing you to be convinced of our high standards

181 Women Help Line (WHL)

Under this scheme, the state/UT will utilise their existing women helpline through a dedicated single national number.

Feeder Ambulance (Bike Ambulance)

Bike ambulance service was launched in India to better reach emergencies in heavy traffic. Or where the interior roads are not well connected

CAD development, Maintenance and Operation

Creating CAD programming is our obsession. Our group of programmers is consistently quick to take on the following test.

Manpower resource for Health care service

We at Ziqitza Healthcare understand that you need and build strategic plans for providing quality experiences by addressing healthcare trends and setting the standard for ethical practices in their facilities.

Supply and management of GPS device

Ziqitza Healthcare has the expertise in installation and managing a broad array of Tracking System with reference to fleet management.

Community Health check up

Programs to encourage employees or customers on the path to good health in consistent manner

Neonatal Ambulance

Programs to encourage employees or customers on the path to good health in consistent manner

Referral Ambulance

Programs to encourage employees or customers on the path to good health in consistent manner

Laboratory Management Services

Programs to encourage employees or customers on the path to good health in consistent manner

Command and Control Room

Programs to encourage employees or customers on the path to good health in consistent manner

Dial 100 Call Center

Programs to encourage employees or customers on the path to good health in consistent manner

112 Emergency Number

Programs to encourage employees or customers on the path to good health in consistent manner

Fleet management

Programs to encourage employees or customers on the path to good health in consistent manner

National Highways

Programs to encourage employees or customers on the path to good health in consistent manner

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