National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) has launched the Toll Free “1033” Helpline Number to give 24x7x365 help to street clients on NHAI's rung extends if there should be an occurrence of Emergency/Non-Emergency issues.
The long wait of the people for rescue services at the crucial National Highway (NH) will now be easy available round-the-clock and the service can be availed on emergency by dialling a toll-free number 1033.
National Highway act as the main connector across the country and death ratio increases during monsoon and winter it is imperative to have well equipped and highly trained staff to stabilize the patient and ensure they get timely access to the nearest hospital care. We appreciate the initiative taken by the National Authority of India to have a toll -free number for people to immediately recall and seek timely medical response and increase the survival chances of the road accident patients on National Highway.
The ambulance introduced in this initiative will be well-equipped with life-saving equipment's and trained para medical staff. It is designed to help in rushing the patients, especially mishap victims, to the nearest health hub in the district.
Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd. (ZHL), Asia's largest private emergency medical service (EMS) provider has successfully won the tender/Contract for the toll-free emergency highway helpline number 1033 in India. The fleet has 40 ambulances which will be launched in phases across the North Zone covering Chandigarh, Jammu, Uttarakhand, Shimla, Lucknow, Varanasi & East UP.
A single 4-digit Toll Free Universal Access Number (UAN) “1033”.
24X7 Centralized Call Centre. To provide toll-free 24hr.
Assistance to road accident victims on National Highways by arranging ambulance and highway patrol vehicle.
Our Team will call and collect all required details.
A customized proposal with estimate will be shared with you.
We deploy our services for your people
Continuous monitoring and reporting