Women Safety in India

Women Safety

The day a woman can walk freely on the roads at night, that day we can say that India has achieved independence. – Mahatma Gandhi.

“He who appreciates that She is his greatest creation in the world”. Every gender in the world is god’s gift. No one has the right to exploit it. India with the image of diverse cultures and innumerable value lessons, we also recognize as the poorest system for women’s safety and rights. In India, In the six years from 2016 to 2021, nearly 22.8 lakh crimes against women were recorded. Of these, about 7 lahks, or 30 per cent, were reported under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the report says. Section 498A pertains to cruelty by a husband or his relatives against a woman. The rate of Low-minded crimes like Acid attacks, and rape is increasing day by day. Last year police recorded 31,878 rape cases. Now even there is a 15% increase in number. These figures can leave you cold. That’s why women’s safety in India become a big concern.

Let’s discuss how we can enhance women’s safety. Facts and plans to ensure every single woman feels safe in society, workplace and public transportation. In this blog, we will also introduce the helpline numbers run by Ziqitza Healthcare Ltd. such as the 181 helpline number, an emergency panic button and other features that are accessible to every woman and free of cost.

Women’s Safety in India

Women’s safety in India is a widely discussed and serious problem. Women are not safe either at home or outside. But our Indian constitution and judiciary established firm and detailed laws for women’s safety. This is the time to acknowledge and implement them to support women’s safety and freedom rights.

Laws for Women’s Safety

  1. Special Marriage Act 1954
  2. Indian Penal Code 1860
  3. Dowry Prohibition Act 1961
  4. Indian Divorce Act 1969
  5. Code of Criminal Procedure 1973
  6. Equal Remuneration Act 1976
  7. Indecent Representation of Women (Prevention) Act 1986
  8. Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act 1986
  9. National Commission for Women Act 1990
  10. Prohibition of Sex Selection Act 1994
  11. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005
  12. Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences Act 2012
  13. Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place Act 2013

There are several other acts in detail to assure women’s safety. These acts are useful for rural areas in India. Spread awareness among such places for uneducated women.

Women’s Safety Initiative Plans

Nirbhaya fund

Pursue measures targeted at improving the safety and security of women in the country and for the implementation of initiatives aimed at enhancing women’s safety.

181 helpline

Immediate and emergency response to women affected by violence. Service is available 24*7 hours.

One-stop centre (OSC)

The OSC will assist all women, including girls under the age of 18 years suffering from violence, regardless of caste, class, religion, region, sexual orientation or marital status.

Meri saheli

Meri Saheli’s initiative was launched as Pilot Project by Railway Protection Force (RPF) across the South Eastern Railway for the security of women passengers in trains originating in that zone.

Nirbhaya squad

The Mumbai Police has established 91 Nirbhaya Squads, consisting of specially trained women officers, to combat crimes against women.

These are the main schemes that help to keep women’s security in India.

Keep your Safety First

  1. Practice Awareness
  2. Use your sixth sense
  3. Take self-defence training
  4. Escape is always your best option
  5. Create Boundaries

The Present Scenario: Leveraging technology for the greater good

As technology is taking over the world with each passing day, with developed countries optimizing it, India is also gradually embracing and adopting the advantages it brings along, especially with regard to ensuring women’s security in India.

For starters, several states have launched and currently operate the 181 and 112 emergency helpline numbers to provide relief to women in distress, whether it is in a public place, at home or even at their workplace. These dedicated numbers are operational 24X7, are toll-free and available to women promptly, and have integrated call centres that operate round-the-clock for providing legal or police aid as well as medical services. Ziqitza Healthcare Limited has also operated 181 Police Helpline in Punjab to provide timely assistance to the caller in need. Set up in association with Punjab Police and the Government of Punjab, the 181 helpline service handles over 1,00,000 calls in a year, related to all kinds of harassment cases like domestic violence, rape, acid attacks, and more.

Furthermore, several robust applications have been launched by the government that can be accessed on mobile, and serve as security guards for women, to keep them safe in every possible situation. These include:

  1. Eyewatch SOS for Women
  2. SpotnSave Feel Secure
  3. iGoSafely
  4. Smart 24×7
  5. bSafe
  6. Shake2Safety
  7. Trakie
  8. My SafetyPin and many more

As travel safety has been a major concern with respect to women, there exist, GPS trackers that can be used by women, including those belonging to the working class to keep their near and dear ones in the loop of their whereabouts, especially when travelling late at night. Moreover, smart navigation through applications like Uber and Ola, which work closely with the police, helps ensure the safety of female passengers and drivers. These applications have upgraded functions and response teams that are always available for users, with a zero-tolerance policy with regard to harassment and injustice against women.

Besides existing initiatives, facilities and features, the government has also announced upcoming solutions for ensuring women’s security in India, irrespective of time and place. The Women and Child Development (WCD) Ministry is already in the process of launching a panic button (conceived in 2015) on mobile phones, across 14 states of the country as an emergency response system for women. Moreover, the Maharashtra government is also set to provide affordable necklaces with a GPS and panic button, for helping women in distress and emergencies.

In Conclusion

Everyone has the right to feel safe. We need to spread awareness bout women’s safety and strength. Because ignorance towards such things can cost in lifetime traumas or even losing someone. Let’s create a safe environment for everyone together.

Say yes to women’s safety in India.

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