A Comprehensive Guide on Types of Skin Diseases

Skin Allergy

What are skin Diseases? 

An itch, a rash, scaly skin that leaves a red patch, and all sorts of irritants on the skin can leave a person feeling awful. Skin diseases are conditions or disorders that directly affect the human skin’s look, feel, or composition. In India, acne affects a majority of the population. This is an instance among all the other types of skin diseases that affect people. Different types of skin conditions are caused due to various reasons. While genetics are to be blamed for some, infections, allergies, or environmental changes can be other determinants of how a person’s skin reacts. Getting a dermatologist to examine your skin through regular health checkups can help treat the skin disease a lot faster and keep the condition in control.

Skin diseases do not just change the appearance of the human skin, oftentimes they can be painful as well. Pain and insecurity can drastically affect a person’s overall well-being so it is vital to recognize different diseases and get your condition treated. In this blog, we will understand some common types of skin diseases, cover the various reasons that cause the different types of skin conditions and we will also discuss how some of these viral skin disorders can be treated effectively. 

Common Causes of Skin Diseases

Bacterial Infections: The bacteria, staphylococcus and streptococcus are notorious for causing different types of skin diseases and soft tissue infections like cellulitis, impetigo, folliculitis, etc. 

Viral Infections: Different viruses can also cause different types of skin diseases along with other symptoms. For example, the Varicella Zoster Virus causes chickenpox, Herpes Simplex Virus causes different types of skin conditions like cold sores and genital herpes. Other viral skin disorders include warts ( growths) on the skin, which are caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). 

Fungal Infections: Fungus causes skin fungal infections. Skin conditions like tinea versicolor, ringworm, jock itch, candidiasis are caused by the same.

 Allergic Reactions: Some types of skin diseases are caused due to exposure to allergens. Diseases like eczema, hives, contact dermatitis, and angioedema are some examples.

Types of Skin Diseases

Acne Vulgaris: A common type of skin condition that occurs during the adolescent ages, it is most prevalent in males. Acne happens when hair follicles get clogged with dead skin cells and oils. These clogged places are ideal for bacterial growth, and that’s how acne occurs. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and also PCOS can cause acne. Sometimes acne is genetic and an individual can inherit it from their parents. Acne is a skin condition that can be mild, severe or anywhere in between. Sometimes it can be painful, other times acne occurs without much pain. Acne can appear in many ways – blackheads, whiteheads, and tender tiny red bumps.

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis): Eczema is among the types of skin diseases that are common among young children. It is not a contagious disease. It makes skin appear dry, inflamed, and itchy. Itching is the most basic and common symptom. Eczema starts as a rash and develops with scaly and dry skin later on. People with a family history of eczema usually get this condition and the symptoms of eczema are exacerbated by environmental factors like dry and cold weather, harsh fragrances, or even some soaps, body washes, allergens like pollen, and pet dander. Sometimes psychological triggers and stress can also worsen eczema. People who suffer from eczema have a skin barrier dysfunction that makes their skin harder to protect the body from external irritants. 

 Contact Dermatitis: Contact dermatitis happens when the skin turns red, inflamed, irritated, itchy, and dry due to any kind of contact with any irritant or allergen like some metals, fragrances, or even certain plants. Susceptible to people of any age, it does not appear on any specific location on the skin. 

Hives: Hives often occur as a reaction to different allergens. It is also known as urticaria. It is not contagious. It appears as a rash on the skin with red bumps and welts. There may be intense itching and the bumps/rash may vary in size and shape. In many cases, hives are temporary and go away with time but if they persist for long, they may be considered chronic, especially when it interferes with daily activities. 

Skin Cancer: Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer that affects people. There are different types, the most common ones being basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common one among these. Melanoma is the most aggressive type of skin cancer, with a higher risk of spreading. People with a weakened immune system, fair skin, and light eyes are more likely to get skin cancer. Exposure to excessive sunlight can also increase the chances of it. Other than this, family history and age can be another factor. 

Treatment of Skin Diseases

Different types of skin conditions require different treatment methods. Some of these are as follows: 

Antibiotics: These are used to treat bacterial infections of the skin. 

Antifungal Medications: Conditions like jock itch, ringworm, etc, are caused by fungus and antifungal medicines help in treating these.

Topical Antibiotics: Topical antibiotics are those medications that are directly put on the skin to treat bacterial growth. 

 Retinoids: These are mostly used to treat acne, skin keratosis, psoriasis, and dry skin. Retinoids help in treating the skin by increasing cell turnover, unclogging pores, and decreasing the inflammation effect, it also increases the production of collagen. 

Phototherapy: Phototherapy is the process in which people suffering from skin conditions eczema, and psoriasis are exposed to UV light to treat their condition. 

 Surgical Procedures: These procedures are used to treat skin growth or different types of skin cancers.

 Lifestyle Modifications: These include incorporating habits like the proper process of hand washing, maintaining good hygiene, avoiding triggers and allergens, using sunblock, etc. 


1) What are common viral skin infections?

Some common viral skin disorders are cold sores, herpes, pityriasis rosea, measles, and chicken pox among many others. 

2) What are common fungal skin infections?

Some common fungal skin infections are yeast infection, jock itch, tinea versicolor, ringworm, etc.

3) What are the antifungal treatment options?

The different antifungal treatment options to be used depend upon the severity of the skin condition. In general, there are topical antifungals, oral antifungals, and antifungal shampoos that are used. 

4) How can I identify the type of skin disease I have?

The different types of skin diseases can be identified by getting your skin health checked by a dermatologist. 

5) Can lifestyle habits affect skin health?

Practicing good hygiene, avoiding irritants and allergens, eating a proper, balanced diet, and maintaining your skin using proper skin care are some lifestyle habits that affect skin health. These are some that you can keep in mind to maintain good skin health. 

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