Massage therapy is an age-old practice used to heal chronic pain and promote relaxation as part of the traditional holistic system of healing methods. Massage
Everything You Need to Know About Strep Throat
A common bacterial infection among children and adolescents of ages 5 to 15, strep throat largely affects the throat and tonsils. It is also known
Knowing the Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Solutions of Heart Diseases
Approximately 60 percent of the world’s burden of heart disease comes from India. One of the leading causes of deaths in India, heart diseases has
How To Handle Medical Emergencies: A Guide For Everyone
Medical emergencies are unpredictable and can occur to anyone at any time. Knowing how to handle different kinds of medical emergencies can be helpful when
Learning the Triggers of Migraine Attacks: Understanding Their Causes
What is Migraine? A migraine is an intense type of debilitating headache that occurs repeatedly over days. It is a primary headache disorder, an abnormal
Monsoon Diseases In India: The Common Illnesses And Their Precautions
It will soon be that part of the year when the roads get flooded, and the showers bring in a wave of respite amidst the
7 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Screen Time
Have you ever felt like your screen-time is getting out of control? Do you dread looking at the average screen time weekly notification on your